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Global Mission

Indonesia: From a Pioneer

My name is Larry. My family and I recently came to Old Manado, Indonesia, as Global Mission pioneers. During our first month here, our goal was to contact every family in the community. Most of the people on the island are fishermen. Only a few are farmers because land available for agriculture is very limited.

Many of the residents live in poverty. Malaria and high levels of blood pressure and cholesterol are common medical conditions. And there is only one health worker on the island. So during our second month here, we offered free health checks and basic medical treatment. We also distributed gently used clothes to the community. The people were very grateful.

I am currently visiting a family who has had questions about the Sabbath. I have explained to them that the seventh day is the day of worship according to the Bible. Recently, the head of this family was sick, and I visited him until he recovered. He has indicated that he does not want to smoke anymore. The family wants me to continue visiting them.

Please pray that my ministry in this area will continue to run well so that many will be prepared for Jesus’ second coming. Amen.